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Laugh More, Stress Less: Practical Ways to Bring Joy into Your Life

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I'm Meg.

As a well-being life coach for women, meditation teacher, and psychology professor, I specialize in supporting ambitious, sensitive women stop the overwhelm and busyness of life so they can experience more joy without the constant need to do more.

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Last month, my husband Kevin and I were working in the yard. We had just picked up 100 new plants to add to our newly redesigned backyard. The entire project from planning to execution was DIY endeavor.  We’d spent a month moving mulch and rock, tilling the soil, adding compost and dirt. After laying down the weed barrier, it was finally time to plant. 

Needless to say, on the final day of planting, we were exhausted. We went inside for a break and when I looked at Kevin, I saw that a combination of mulch and dirt was streaked across his cheeks. I immediately burst out laughing. He was so confused as to why I was laughing which only made it funnier. I did that thing where I tried to tell him what I was laughing at but nothing came out coherently since I was gasping for breath. 

There’s something about exhaustion that makes everything funny. Kevin’s face was smeared with mulch like a child who’d gotten into finger paint, and I couldn’t stop laughing, gasping for air as tears welled up.

Do you remember the last time you laughed so hard you could barely breathe? That kind of laughter – the kind that feels like pure joy and lightens your entire being. That weekend of working in the backyard reminded me of how vital laughter is, not just as a fleeting reaction, but as a key to lightening our hearts in an otherwise serious world. 

Consider the Dalai Lama, one of our planet’s most evolved leaders. His readiness for humor and laughter is revered. It’s light-hearted, open, and reflects a childlike disposition. When we witness these childlike qualities in others, it serves as a gentle reminder that we, too, can embrace our inner playfulness and not take life too seriously.

You can’t laugh and be mad

There’s an undeniable truth: it’s impossible to hold onto anger while you’re laughing. Laughter becomes a bridge from judgment to joy, and from frustration to empathy, in a heartbeat. Even during challenging moments, it has the magical ability to help us release our grip on the past and momentarily forget about the future.

So, how can you infuse more laughter and joy into your life? Is there someone in your life that never fails to make you laugh? A friend whose antics or storytelling are embellished with humor. A co-worker who always has the spot-on, hilarious take on business happenings. You’re lucky if you have such a person in your life. But if you don’t, not to worry, there are other ways you can infuse some laughter into your day.

Have an intentional laugh-fest

  1. Funny Videos: Dedicate just five minutes a day to watching funny videos. Whether it’s adorable animals, clever pranks, or hilarious fails, YouTube offers a plethora of laughter-inducing content.
  2. Comedy Shows: Grab some popcorn, get comfy on the couch, and stream a comedy special. Netflix has many to choose from, but if you haven’t watched Nate Bargatze, you’ve been missing out. 
  3. Local Comedy Clubs: Get tickets to your local comedy club. There’s something magical about laughing in a room full of strangers who are all sharing the same joy.
  4. Learn Jokes: Memorize a couple of funny jokes each day. Share them with friends, family, neighbors, or co-workers. Laughter is contagious, after all!


In our home, we’re fans of “America’s Funniest Videos.” The clips featuring kids and, of course, dogs are our favorites, including this priceless one.

The best part? Your body doesn’t differentiate between spontaneous laughter and the kind induced by watching those adorable videos. 

Now it’s your turn to practice with this simple laughter yoga exercise – it’s a natural energy booster and cortisol reducer! 

The wonders of laughter

Laughter is a powerful tool to boost mood and relieve stress. Scientific research has found that a good belly laugh enhances immune functioning for 24 hours, reduces stress, alleviates pain, eases depression, and can even enhance memory. Best of all, it feels good and it’s good for our body, mind, and soul.

While you’re laughing, notice how that joy feels in your body. We’re all familiar with how anxiety and stress feels —the tightness in our chest, the racing heartbeat, the clenched jaw. But what about joy? It, too, has a distinct physical presence. You may feel warmth in your face, a lightness in your chest, a head drop backwards as your body expands outward. Even in exhaustion, laughter feels like an instant lift, making our burdens feel lighter and our hearts less weighed down. Paying attention to the sensations of laughter and joy can allow you to intentionally seek out those moments of delight more often.

Just like that moment with my husband, where dirt-covered faces brought uncontrollable laughter, we all have the power to cultivate these moments of pure joy. So today, make it a priority and build laughter into your day and if you can, savor the lightness it brings. Your stress levels, relaxed muscles, and even your loved ones will thank you for it!

Hi there!

I'm Meg.

A Well-being Life Coach for successful women who want to eliminate drain and burnout and figure out what they really love so they can create a life of purpose, meaning, and joy. I help women like you gain clarity, balance, peace, and confidence and create a more joyous life and optimal well-being.

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