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3 Things To Ask Yourself Right Now

Hi there!

I'm Meg.

As a well-being life coach for women, meditation teacher, and psychology professor, I specialize in supporting ambitious, sensitive women stop the overwhelm and busyness of life so they can experience more joy without the constant need to do more.

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There are less than 2 weeks left to the end of the year and we are in the middle of all the holiday activities. We are busier than usual with extra errands, extra events, extra spending, extra food. All of this can you lead you feeling depleted and I know you don’t want to go into 2024 feeling lethargic and worn out.

To chart a course towards a healthy and energized 2024, now’s the time to make a plan to reimagine how you can feel rested and rejuvenated by the time January rolls around.

3 things to ask yourself right now to manage your stress and plan for a joyful holiday season:

1 – What do I want to prioritize?

Think about the things you crave most during the holidays… being present, celebrating, having fun, connecting with loved ones, staying healthy, simplifying traditions, being well-rested, noticing the small moments of joy. Ask, “How do I want to feel during all the festivities?”and “How do I want others to feel when they are around me?” to further illuminate your priorities. Your priorities are your North Star for the rest of the year, as they will help you guide your decisions.

2 – What do I want to let go of?

Consider any traditions, expectations, or pressure that feels draining and unnecessary. Maybe it’s wanting the extended family to get along, expecting the kids to join in with ALL the festivities, hassle-free travel days, perfectly decorating your home, baking the 3 different types of cookies. Is there an opportunity to let go of something to allow you to enjoy the season more? Perhaps letting go could also mean asking for help or sharing the load with someone else.

3 – What small habit of self-care can I implement everyday?

Self-care is a habit, not a splurge. In order to prioritize joy and let go of the icky stuff will require you to regularly check-in with yourself… a check-in to reset your energy.

What are some habits that will allow you to be present for what it is you want to prioritize? This can look many different ways and is unique to you. Think of 1-2 small actions you can take over the next day or so to help you thrive.

  • Schedule a 5 minute meditation in your day
  • Eat lunch away from your desk
  • Stretch your body at the end of your workday
  • Take an after dinner walk
  • Put your phone away an hour before bed and swap it for a good book

As a Well-being Life Coach I know the best way for you to receive the benefits of self-care is to do it everyday.

Choose one simple + easy action that you can tie into your existing routine in order to build the habit to help you ease stress and increase your joy.

Remember consistent small actions are what creates big changes. They will also allow you to prioritize what means most to you this holiday.

Photo by Leeloo Thefirst

Hi there!

I'm Meg.

A Well-being Life Coach for successful women who want to eliminate drain and burnout and figure out what they really love so they can create a life of purpose, meaning, and joy. I help women like you gain clarity, balance, peace, and confidence and create a more joyous life and optimal well-being.

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