Earlier this week I announced my new coaching program, EVERYDAY JOY. When I began creating it I asked myself, what would provide the most transformation for women to: 1) reduce their stress, 2) prioritize what’s important to them, and 3) find their unique, authentic (not forced) formula to experience more joy? Essentially, what can I create to help women to open themselves us to the power of everyday joy?
As a certified Well-being Life Coach, meditation teacher, mindfulness educator, and psychology professor there are so many ways I could use my skills and tools to support other women. But the thing that has helped me the most, and gets me really excited is helping women heal their nervous system so they can build more positivity and joy in their life.
I know from personal experience that life can take twists and turns. At times it can feel like we are walking a really hard path. I also know there are skills we can lean on to give us an extra buffer when facing difficult times. Skills that provide a lifeline and open us up to more joy.
Stress, anxiety, perfectionism have gotten in the way of me living a joyful life in the past. But personal growth and development doesn’t have to be emotionally heavy or tedious (although at times it may be), because with joy we head in a direction that feels much better than where we started.
And since I’m not one to believe that icky “no pain, no gain” ethos, I naturally gravitate toward joy and over the years it has served me well.
These are some powerful ways joy has helped me:
I look for the good even in difficult moments and circumstances. I’m quite good at finding evidence to stake my claim on how hard something is. Yet with the perspective of joy, I’m now equally as good at finding the silver linings without bypassing the bad stuff.
Joy has helped me overcome professional hurdles. From founding my coaching business The Integrated Heart, ‘putting myself out there’ with marketing, blogging, and creating and facilitating a joyful well-being group for women, I’ve continually searched for joy in the process. Joy is the very thing that reminds me that things that seem hard at first can be easy and fun if I take them in bite size pieces.
I curate the environments I spend the most time in to maximize joy. Little pops of color, uplifting artwork, meaningful objects, an outdoor garden, and house plants make me feel happy. So a comfy, fun, and inspiring home is a priority for me.
Joy helps me make decisions. When caught between two choices I often ask myself which would feel more joyful? Framing decisions this way helps me pinpoint what would feel best and find the joy in what might otherwise be a ho-hum choice.
I savor what’s good. Instead of walking by the tree that smells good, I stop and smell it. I look for the heart shaped rocks when I’m on walks. I take the time to set up a cozy little spot to drink coffee on the porch. I bask in the feeling of warm sunshine on my face. Simple joys allow me to savor what’s delightful in the world around me.
Joy connects my mind to my heart. It helps me notice when my heart feels light and when my heart feels heavy. It’s that contrast that signals me to be gentle and compassionate with myself. I can be present with what feels difficult because I know there is a lighter feeling on the other side and joy will return.
It inspired a joy-based out-of-state move. Joy inspired our family to move to Boulder Colorado after living in Phoenix Arizona for 20 years. It reminded me that I have a choice, I was safe to leave a comfort zone, and that aligning with my value of joy was a valid reason to move.
Joy keeps the slog of everyday routines more vibrant, enjoyable, and thus sustainable. I see joy as the sweetener to be added to routines from daily meditation to unloading the dishwasher to strength training.
Joy has helped me be a better coach. By prioritizing my passion and letting joy be my guiding light, I give my clients permission to do the same. To help them experience a way of moving through the world that honors and celebrates their essential self. And then life become easier, more calm, and enjoyable – even if nothing around them changed.
This is just a sliver of the ways joy has impacted me. I still have my challenges, and there are ways I can hold myself back. But overall, the biggest gift is that I feel worthy of joy and I want you to too.

The EVERYDAY JOY Coaching Program will help you build a strong foundation to recognize and manage stressors. To open yourself up to joy and allow it be a protective and constant companion in your life.
Ready to experience the power of Everyday Joy? Schedule a free 30-minute discovery call with me here. I help stressed out women relax through intentional practices. Even a small shift in perspective and a few practices developed specifically for you can increase your capacity for joy and help you feel more grounded and present in the life you’ve worked hard to create.
Joy isn’t a luxury; it’s your birthright. Let’s talk about what this looks like for you!