A Self-Love Exercise

Imagine how your life would be different if you extended love to yourself every day. I mean truly wrapped yourself in love every day. Love that comes from you, to you… self-love. Creating a loving phrase is a gift you can give yourself anytime. Today, take 5-minutes to sit down and create a loving phrase for […]
Don’t Set Another Goal Without the Power of Intention and These 4 Things

The holiday season has past and now that the new year has begun, you may be feeling the desire for a fresh vision in 2023. A vision that supports your mental health, physical health, enriches your relationships, and just makes you feel good. If so, it makes sense that you would like to create one […]
Harness Your Intuition & Close the Loop on Decisions

As a professional working mom, I’m faced with making multiple decisions a day, both big and small. As a new solopreneur, the number of daily decisions have been dialed up this past year. Launching in early 2022 as a Well-being Life Coach, I’m also still working part-time as a college instructor, raising a teen, am […]
Being You in the New Year

I heard the week between Christmas and New Year called “The Void” and thought it was pretty accurate. It is a distinct time where we are in between something that feels important that is ending and something that feels important beginning. Because of this there can be a lot of noise, but also a desire […]
How You Can Live a More Meaningful Life

Living a life that really matters is one filled with meaning. It is a life that makes you feel fulfilled. Propels you to show up each day, even when obstacles stand in your way, and satisfies you with a sense of purpose. Martin Seligman, the father of Positive Psychology, defines a meaningful life as one […]
Improving the Quality of Your Life

If you’ve ever wondered what working with a life coach would be like, my new YouTube series called “One Life Question with Meg” will paint the picture. In this series I’ll answer a question related to one of the four cornerstones from my signature “Your Well-being” program: Clarity, Balance, Peace, and Confidence. I bring together […]
Paving a New Path When All Roads Lead to Burnout

There was a time in my life where it felt like nothing I was doing was right. It wasn’t for lack of trying. It just felt like the demands of what was required from me were greater than my ability to meet them. Getting enough sleep, focusing on the most important task at hand, calming […]
8 Tips to Stay Grounded in Fall & Winter

In Ayurveda, the 5,000 year old health system originated in India, the focus is on balancing the body and mind for optimal well-being. Understanding the doshas can help us create balance in our bodies and minds and become our best self. Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are the 3 doshas that represent your mind and body […]
When Busyness and Overwhelm Accumulates

Here in Colorado, the snowy season officially arrived last week. Late fall to early winter is known in Ayurveda as Vata season. There are 3 doshas, or mind-body types, in Ayurveda: Vata, Pitta, Kapha. They are comprised of the 5 elements found in nature: space, air, fire, water, and earth. Vata is governed by the moving energy of […]
Well-being Life Coaching Can Help You Thrive

So, here’s the thing…most of us go to bed every night hoping that the next day will bring lots of pleasant experiences. We want to wake up and be happy and have a good day because that’s what we are really after …to feel good.